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Growth & Advancement

SWOT analysis vector illustration (thumbnail)

Creating a Personal SWOT Analysis for your Career Development (Article)

You're probably heard of a SWOT analysis before, but did you also know that it can be used to evaluate your personal goals? Professional networking brand Luminary walks you three steps to creating your own personal SWOT analysis to help advance your career!
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Mellody Hobson

Vision, Truth and Success: A Conversation with Mellody Hobson (Breakout Session)

Businesswoman and TIME Most Influential Person Mellody Hobson will share insights and inspiration around what it means to be successful professionally, personally, financially, and as a woman of color in corporate America.
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Yai Vargas

Creating Your Authentic Personal Brand In These Times (Podcast)

Yai Vargas, branding guru and founder and CEO of The Latinista, offers actionable ways to create an engaging elevator pitch, have a strong presence on Zoom, effectively self-promote and forge powerful relationships so that you can accurately convey your unique value to your advantage now!
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Cate Luzio

One Woman’s Crash Course in Virtual Networking (Article)

Entrepreneur Cate Luzio shares three ways to improve your networking—even as we continue to operate in a virtual world of work.
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Lisa Nichols

"Abundance Now" by Lisa Nichols (Book Reading)

Nichols is founder and CEO of Motivating the Masses, Inc., and one of the world’s most-requested motivational speakers, as well as a media personality. Here she reads an excerpt from her latest book “Abundance Now” for attendees of the 2020 Virtual Massachusetts Conference for Women.
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Laura Huang

"Edge" by Laura Huang (Book Reading)

Harvard associate professor Laura Huang researches interpersonal relationships and implicit bias in entrepreneurship and in the workplace. She is the creator of #FindYourEdge, an initiative dedicated to addressing inequality and disadvantage through personal empowerment.
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Amanda Healy

Building the Perfect LinkedIn Profile (Session)

Want to increase your profile views, grow your network, and attract opportunities? Learn how to build the perfect LinkedIn profile with social media expert Amanda Healy.
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